
Synology download station ios

17 dec 2018 Behalve als je in het gelukkige bezit bent van een NAS. Dan pak je bijvoorbeeld een app als Download Station voor Synology NASsen. The Download Station extension for Chrome, Safari and Opera allows you to manage download tasks on your Synology Diskstation from within your browser. From an app standpoint, though, Apple is ahead of Spotify: Apple Music for iPad first app can send torrent files to the Download Station app on the Synology to  5. červen 2019 První krůčky se Synology: Download Station a jeho nastavení Centrum balíčků je dá se říct něco, jako App Store v iOS – prostě a jednoduše  14. Okt. 2016 Mit DS get könnt Ihr die bereits erwähnte Download Station auf dem NAS Im Zuge der Umbenennung auf iOS hat Synology auch zeitnahe  Anything you put in the folder, you have the option to download it to other Does uploading through Cloud Station Backup to my Synology NAS reduce the 

事實上與Synology Download Station 配套的手機版軟體DS Get 前兩年就曾被下架一次,後來不知為何又被解禁。但無奈該來的總是會來,前陣子DS Get 終於宣告 

I wanted to have a way to isolate my Download Station app, which I I have selected to share my Synology device's location, don't know if it's  6 фев 2013 Сегодня я хочу подробнее остановиться на приложении DS Download (ну, я так понял, типа Disk Station Download). Данное приложение  Sur iOS, je la vois effectivement plus même si je l'ai encore sur mon Après, il existe des API Synology pour Download Station donc il y a  Stream media contents from Audio Station to Apple TV This section explains how to stream music collections onto Synology App (DS Quick Download. *You must own a Synology NAS to run this app, and be running the latest Download Station 3.5 on your DiskStation to get the complete set of features* With DS 

16 Apr 2018 r/synology: News, discussion, and community support for Synology devices. I had to restore an iOS device and noticed DS Get is no longer available to download. Is this intentional? Finally shipping out my disk station to be a true DR.

6 Jun 2019 Synology Drive 5.1.4 - Private cloud for sharing, synchronizing, and managing Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and Follow this appDeveloper website Synology Cloud Station Version 3.2-3482. 31. Aug. 2018 Download Station ist die Synology-NAS-App, die das Herunterladen Auf NAS-Systemen von Synology ist die App Download Station die erste  22 Sep 2017 If you have a Synology NAS, you can easily configure it to download large files for you, management application from Synology, Download Station. same place where you update your applications) and search for the app. 29 Feb 2016 It's even possible to upload and download photos from other devices to the Photo Station using Synology's nifty little DS Photo app, which 

Sur iOS, je la vois effectivement plus même si je l'ai encore sur mon Après, il existe des API Synology pour Download Station donc il y a 

I wanted to have a way to isolate my Download Station app, which I I have selected to share my Synology device's location, don't know if it's  6 фев 2013 Сегодня я хочу подробнее остановиться на приложении DS Download (ну, я так понял, типа Disk Station Download). Данное приложение  Sur iOS, je la vois effectivement plus même si je l'ai encore sur mon Après, il existe des API Synology pour Download Station donc il y a  Stream media contents from Audio Station to Apple TV This section explains how to stream music collections onto Synology App (DS Quick Download. *You must own a Synology NAS to run this app, and be running the latest Download Station 3.5 on your DiskStation to get the complete set of features* With DS  17 dec 2018 Behalve als je in het gelukkige bezit bent van een NAS. Dan pak je bijvoorbeeld een app als Download Station voor Synology NASsen. The Download Station extension for Chrome, Safari and Opera allows you to manage download tasks on your Synology Diskstation from within your browser.

Вот же злая судьба Как же у меня есть, а в App Store нет При возобновлении раздач Download Station минуты 2-3 жутко тормозит  23 april 2018 Ik ben sinds dit weekend een trotse eigenaar van een IPhone 8 Maar toen DS Download, wat later DS Get werd, kwam heb ik het Maar kan je met je telefoon niet inloggen op je NAS en dan Download Station gebruiken?

6 фев 2013 Сегодня я хочу подробнее остановиться на приложении DS Download (ну, я так понял, типа Disk Station Download). Данное приложение 

Download Station (DS) Mobile is a FREE iPhone/iPod/iPad app for managing and monitoring download tasks in your Synology's Download Station. It requires  SynoDS is an iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad native client for Synology's Download Station (aka Download Redirector) and for the Synology File Station. Thanks to  7 Aug 2010 Presentation of SynoDS, the application to control the download station of your Synology NAS !!! Available on the appstore